Answering the Top 5 Questions About Our Merger

From left to right: Kris Bertagnolli, Mike Hicks, and Shawn Anderson discuss merging their real estate businesses.

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You may have heard about our recent merger, where we combined our real estate business with those of Kris Bertagnolli and Mike Hicks to become the Anderson Hicks Group. Today we’d like to answer the biggest questions we’ve gotten about the merger.

For your convenience, we’ve included timestamps for each topic of discussion. Feel free to navigate to the section(s) you’re most interested in viewing:

0:06 - Answering a big question about the hairstyles
0:33 - Introduction to the Q&A
0:59 - Why did we decide to merge our teams?
2:26 - What was the biggest challenge to overcome when merging?
3:55 - What will be the biggest difference now that we’ve merged?
5:03 - Can people still work with specific agents?
5:24 - Outtakes and bloopers

If you have any other questions or need further information, feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to hearing from you soon.


  1. Video Stars for sure! You didn't answer my biggest question: how the heck is Kris's last name pronounced? :)

  2. Really enjoyed your perspectives on this and see how you overcame challenges - BIg Thinkers start with the clients, the agents and then as servant leaders, they eat last! Hail from Ann Arbor
